Wednesday, September 10, 2014

FW: Stop Soldier Suicides Awareness Event Sept. 18

Thank you
Robert Serge
To all my fellow veterans friends and family my we all remember

Subject: FW: Stop Soldier Suicides Awareness Event Sept. 18
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2014 16:48:09 -0600

HEALING ARIZONA VETERANS invites you to  join us September 18 in Armory Park in Tucson to raise awareness of veteran suicides in our country.  

Since January of this year I have been involved  and help found a  grassroots non-profit organization titled HEALING ARIZONA VETERANS. The mission of the organization is to help our returning veterans to heal from their TBI/PTSD conditions and finally be able to "come home again."

At the present time there are hundreds of thousands returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan that are suffering from invisible wounds of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. They are having a terrible time readjusting after their experiences in war. Unfortunately their numerous exposures to blasts from the frequent usage of IEDS and RPGs and the horrors they have endured has resulted in a high percentage of all returning veterans suffering from TBI/PTSD. At present thousands of veterans are incarcerated monthly and tens of thousands find themselves homeless. In most cases these veterans suffer from TBI and/or PTSD. 

Sadly, the only treatments, we are told by veterans, received at their VA hospitals are drug treatments and talk therapy. Neither of which will ever heal the brain. HAV, with the medical direction of Dr. Carol Henricks, a Tucson neurologist specializing in the brain, has now put together one of the most comprehensive healing programs anywhere in America.  We are beginning to raise funds so that we can offer these treatments to our returning Arizona veterans for FREE. 

The event we have created for September 18 at Armory Park is to bring attention to the epidemic tragedy of suicides within the veteran community and unfortunately also in active duty personnel. A minimum of 22 veterans a day are committing suicide and every 18 hours an active duty military man or woman is committing suicide. We feel if proper treatment was available to these men and women those numbers would drop substantially.  

Our event that we established in Tucson will be joined by organizations in many other cities in America on this same day. There are a number of healing centers in many states that are providing life-changing treatments to our veterans. The state of Oklahoma voted unanimously to set up their Patriot Clinics allowing any veteran in the state of Oklahoma FREE Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for them. HBOT is the ONLY therapy with a proven history of healing the brain from a TBI. Drugs will NEVER accomplish that. At present there are over 10 states passing similar legislation for their veterans. HAV is working hard to get these treatments approved in Arizona. 

I personally have spent over 2000 hours of research on this healing program and feel very comfortable that we have one of the best in the country combining HBOT, nutrition, adjunctive therapies like Neurobiofeedback, Equine therapy, Acupuncture, QiGong, Mindful meditation, EMDR and others with  proven tract records. 

We hope you will come by and see our memorial structure we are setting up in Armory Park to draw attention to this very serious situation and find out more about our organization and our program to help these men & women that have sacrificed so much for all of us. Please feel free to pass this information on to others.

The more people that are aware of the situation, the faster we may get our government to take action and get improved treatments at our VA hospitals for these unique conditions. FYI at the VA and the military hospitals  they do not use SPECT brain scans or MRI with DTI to determine if a veteran has a traumatic brain injury. Regular MRIs or CT scans will NOT detect a mTBI but even those are almost never used. If you talk to enough veterans you will be frightened at the amount of drugs they prescribe for these conditions. Veterans refer to them as "cocktails" since there are usually a large number of them combined. A number of these prescription drugs have on their black label "may cause suicidal thoughts!"   If you go to our blog site highlighted below and read the latest article by an internationally known physician that had worked at the VA for 5 years, you will learn WHY we had to form this grassroots group to help these veterans to heal. 

If you are on Facebook please visit our page and LIKE it.  We are able to accept donations on our website and we have Stop Soldier Suicides T-shirts available at our store online there. 

Please share this infrormation with others. We need to STOP SOLDIER SUICIDES! The more people that know of these tragic circumstances the faster we can reverse these numbers. 

Charles Spillar

This is the structure to look for when visiting us on September 18 at Armory Park. This awareness event will only be from 8 am to 1 pm.  The photo is the  structure we created that is copied all over the country. We expect national media coverage on the event. 

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